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Reintroducing W.R.E.a.T.

Amber Cox • May 08, 2024

Improving my website, returning to blogging, and opening to new clients

I've been on a bit of a blogging hiatus since the fall. I got busy with clients and a contract gig, and I had a lot of personal stuff going on as well, from raising a baby and a toddler to losing a member of the household. It has been a lot and it's been both beautiful and completely exhausting!

My business has bloomed beautifully over the last year, and I've thoroughly enjoyed editing in a variety of genres including romance, women's literature, historical fiction, thriller, and spicy urban fantasy. I have learned an incredible amount about the modern book and writing industry, and I am ready to get back into blogging and share what I have learned with my growing network of writers and readers.

Here is what I have planned for Better Than an Editor LLC in the coming months:

1) A new and improved website is up and running! I have clarified my services and rates, updated my testimonials, and personalized my biography. I also intend on adding more pages that will help my clients get to know me better, including lists of my favorite books and more samples of my own writing.

2) My business officially has an artist designed logo, created by Karma Rhodes. It's on my business card bookmarks, my website, Instagram and email. Please check out her work...and let me know if you want some bookmarks! I am in love with my logo and am excited to share it with the world.

3)  Blog posts about the modern book industry, including what I've learned about indie and traditional book publishing, ARC reading, and street teams. I will also share some pitfalls I've seen and things you should absolutely be doing if you want your book to be successful, whatever route you choose.

4) On Saturday, May 18th, I will have my own booth at a local festival. I am incredibly excited to participate; I will be setting up a free library, sharing my bookmark business cards, and hopefully meeting some clients face-to-face. I will report back about this experience.

5) I am OPEN to new clients again! I am all caught up on my current projects, and my contract work is waning. I'm still tired a lot of the time...but this work is so good for my mind and my spirit. I am looking forward to connecting with new clients, completing samples, and hopefully diving into whole new imaginative worlds and writing styles.

Stay tuned for more!

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